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Technical data request

Information on the availability of data of public interest


Hydrographic and other water information services

The General Directorate of Water Management and the Territorial Directorates for Water, with the decree number 2016/679., Act CXII of 2011 on the right to information, self-determination and freedom of information (Information Act) of the European Parliament and Council, as well as the 301/2016. (IX. 30.) Government Decree on the amount of costs for the fulfilment of a request for data in the public interest and Act LVIII of 1996 on the professional chambers of design and expert engineers and architects, and Act LVII of 1995 on water management, as well as the Government Decree 178/1998 (XI. 6.) on basic data related to water management tasks, Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax (VAT Act) and Act No. 65/2020 in accordance with the provisions of the CL law of 2016 on General Administrative Procedure, the forms for requests for data of public interest have changed.

In case of data request, please send your request to the e-mail address using the attached Data Request form.

Please be advised that the determination of the cost of data service is based on the above-mentioned Government Decree no. 301/2016. (IX. 30.). The cost of this service is VAT free. In the event of the cost of data service exceeding 200,000 HUF, contract agreement takes place.

In case of technical data request that cannot be fulfilled directly from the database and requires processing of production, we enter into a service contract. The cost of this data service is subject to VAT, which is calculated on the basis of the net rate of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers.

Our hydrographic data is provided according to the ISO quality management system, therefore forms of the hydrographic data requests are provided with the logo indicating the existence of the certification.

If you have any further questions, we are readily available.

Data request form >